

Role: Creative Strategist, Creative Concepting
Client: Minecraft/Mojang

Our team was tasked creating ongoing social content to reheat intrest among old and new players of the game. By creating unique original content that showcased new addtions to the game on Minecraft’s social media channels, we were able to double and sometimes triple month over month engagement, advocacy and positive sentiment. By focusing our efforts on creating fun, and useful content we were able to recapture interest from old fans, excite and inform new fans and create a place that community could follow and gain tons of value from.

Below is a few of many examples of how we supported the game:

Glide Goodness

For a long time, showing gameplay footage was highly underutlized on the channels. All that changed when I introduced the Glide Mini Game vingettes to the channels. This new hype building content included helpful tips on how to best approach the maps, while showcasing the maps themselves. This simple approached helped to rack up hundreds of thousands of views and garnered major interest in playing.

Going 360

To show off new map packs and mash-ups, we created custom 360 images for Facebook that gave players a more interactive view of what they would be able to see. These images were a smashing success on Minecraft’s Facebook account, with record engagement.

Tap to stop

Much of what I impllemented on Minecraft was new, exciting to promote the content of the game while creating something shareable amongst fans. In this example we utlize the ‘tap to stop’ mechanic of GIFs on Twitter.

A Lesson in villiany

From skin packs to mash-ups, Minecraft regularly recieves new updates and addtions to the game. Because of this, we always found new fun ways to promote the new content. In this example, we created faux police records to promte the new Villian Skin Pack.
